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Old hollywood weight loss secrets -

21-12-2016 à 05:46:53
Old hollywood weight loss secrets
So the next time you see a pin-thin celebrity brag about her relaxed approach to eating, remember this: THEY TAKE DRUGS When Lindsay Lohan was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving, police said they found cocaine in her pocket. She engages in all kinds of behavior to counter a taste for Taco Bell. Paris Hilton recently admitted to talk host Larry King that she takes Adderall for attention-deficit disorder. Plus, the curvy beauty was one of the first famous females known to routinely lift weights. She also has been seen hitting all-night drugstores, shopping for laxatives. According to old grocery receipts and reports from friends, Monroe was a homebody who loved to do her own shopping and then cook healthy, sometimes elaborate meals at home. She swore that spreading it on her face was the secret to youthful skin. Both drugs are often used by women looking to lose weight. She smokes, drinks coffee and Red Bull, has diet pills in her bag and takes Adderall. Even when taken as instructed, Adderall can cause psychotic episodes, depression and serious heart problems. At the moment, Adderall is the latest diet-drug craze in Hollywood. It keeps you awake while killing the appetite. At 84 years old, she said she could still stand on her head, walk on her hands, and somersault off a diving board. While Clenbuterol and Adderall create a slimming effect in the short term, after a while users may have sudden and uncontrollable weight gain.

Download Our App Subscribe to the newspaper, our e-edition, or both. Trending: DYLANN ROOF STAR WARS DONALD TRUMP TRANSITION BILL DE BLASIO CRAIG SAGER. As for food, West was an early believer in coconut oil—but not to eat. Sign Up Get the latest breaking news, entertainment, sports and more. The number of celebrities addicted to it continues to rise. Follow Us Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube Subscribe Follow Us Newsletter App Subscriptions Subscribe Get Our Newsletter A daily blend of the most need-to-know Daily News stories, delivered right to your inbox. Female celebrities recently arrested - from Paris to Nicole Richie, from Lindsay to Britney Spears - all reportedly have used prescription Adderall. For the jet-setting, hard-partying girl, it has become the miracle pill - but one with potentially dangerous consequences. Audrey Hepburn 2 of 8 All photos Audrey Hepburn was known for her perpetually perfect posture —a feat that not only enhanced her enviable bone structure, but experts also say helps prevent indigestion, constipation, and back and neck pain. Mae West 3 of 8 All photos Mae West, who once lugged her exercise bike into an interview, had a lifelong love of fitness and went for daily bike rides into her 80s. To maintain her gamine figure she reportedly ate a simple diet of mostly fruits and vegetables with the occasional plate of pasta or square of dark chocolate as a sweet treat. Commonly prescribed to treat respiratory problems in horses, in humans it can cause fat loss. She would rise in the morning and eat one and then have one or two at the end of the day. Hepburn prided herself on doing all her own stunts well into her 60s.

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Old hollywood weight loss secrets
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